Xane received his mission call directly from our Stake President on Monday April 22nd. It was an unusual call to say the least, but one we are all very excited for. He was called to serve in the Salt Lake City mission and he will report directly to the mission (no MTC) on May 8th at 8am. He will serve in Salt Lake City for two transfers (a transfer is every 6 weeks, so it will be for 3 months) and then he will receive his another call to serve the rest of his mission (for 21 more months). At that time he will come home for a very short time, be endowed in the temple, buy the rest of the missionary supplies he will need and it will be off to finish his mission.
As his parents we are thrilled and Xane is out of his mind excited. It is a bit unusual to try to explain to people and every says "you're kidding" or "really". But, this is where the Lord wants Xane to start, so off we go.